Introducing My People (Part II) Sunday,
July 27, 2008 I’ve been yearning to continue
writing about this topic ever since I finished writing the first piece which I
feel was too brief and also quite bland having not a single picture or photo to
illustrate the culture of the Bidayuh people. Those of you who haven’t read it
can check it out here. It also took quite some time to
continue because I had to do a bit of research on what to put up as,
unfortunately, I don’t know very much detail about my own culture. I’m still on
a learning curve and I hope you all are willing to go on a journey with me of
my culture appreciation. Translations (by Abdullah Yusuf
Ali): "O mankind! We created you
from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and
tribes, that you may know each other (not that you may despise each other).
Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of God s (he who is) the most
righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well-acquainted (with all
things)." [Al-Hujurat, 49:13] Described in the verse above is
how Allah S.W.T. created mankind into various nations and tribes, not to
disunite us, not to punish us for the sins of our ancestors, not even that we
may despise each other. This diversity is in fact created so that we may get to
know each other and ultimately help each other to achieve a fulfilling life
both here in this world and in the hereafter. That mentioned, it is with
great pleasure for me to let you delve and discover further into the culture of
my own people. A Truly
Diverse Community. This does not account the many sub-ethnic within each ethnic
group. Based on the chart above,
Bidayuh constitute 5% of the total population of Sarawak . However, a signboard
in front of the Bidayuh House in Sarawak Cultural Village states that Bidayuh
account for 8.3% of Sarawak population. Then, I searched the internet and I
found in the “Sarawak” entry in Wikipedia that Dayak Bidayuh make
up 10% of the population in Sarawak . Another data in the “Bidayuh”
entry of Wikipedia states that a total of 158,700 Bidayuh reside in Sarawak,
and considering the total population of Sarawakian from Wikipedia is accurate,
that would amount to 6.3% of the total Sarawak population. Bidayuh
House Signboard in Sarawak Cultural Village. So from all these numbers, I
think we can safely assume that Bidayuh comprise between 5-10% of the total
population of Sarawak . I’m still in limbo of searching an authoritative data
on the statistics. If any of you happen to know how, please let me know. Did I mention in the previous
post that Bidayuh and other Sarawakian natives share similar skin complexion
and facial features with the Malays, hence the confusion of us being identified
as Malay especially by people across the South China Sea . Well look at the
faces below and judge for yourselves. Faces of Sarawak One of the things that
fascinate me most about us Bidayuh is that the myriad of dialects and accents
that we speak despite being a very small community. Oftentimes I’m resorted to
speak Malay to a fellow Bidayuh because he happens to come from a different
village, hence uses a different dialect. It is even more surprising that sometimes,
even villages that sit side by side have variances in their slangs and word
usage. According to Wikipedia, Bidayuh
in Sarawak are generally classified into three linguistic groups (Biatah,
Bau-Jagoi, Bukar-Sadong), other sources also use other classification scheme
with the same or even additional groupings. The groupings then can be further
be broken down to the village level through differences in intonation and
Source: Wikipedia.org Since I’m from Kampung Stabut,
which is in Padawan, so I think I belong to the Siburan-Padawan linguistic
group. But then again Bidayuh in Padawan also speak several other dialects such
as Bi-anah, Braang, Pinyawa, Bia’, and Sepug,
so I can’t assure that I can speak intelligible Bidayuh with a fellow Padawan
Bidayuh from another village. This is surely very different
with other ethnic such as the Iban and the Malay, which is despite their larger
community and similar diversity with their own regional dialect they are still
able to communicate with each other using a commonly understood Iban or Malay
language. Maybe its time for us Bidayuh
to come together and develop a Bidayuh language that every Bidayuh can understand.
I heard not so long ago that Bidayuh language is being considered to be taught
in the classroom in Sarawak . I wonder if it is already in effect, and if not,
when oh when… Since this post has quite
dragged on, I think it’s time for me to stop and continue on my quest of
culture appreciation in a future post. Thanks for those of you who care to take
some time to read this simple account of the Bidayuh people and I would highly
appreciate any comment. Posted by wafiUddin at 10:28 AM 0 comments Labels: Bidayuh,
Concerning Culture Saturday,
July 26, 2008
I intended to write this post
sooner but I had class after Friday prayer and there are some other things to
attend to last night. Alhamdulillah, I’ve got some time to spare now, so better
now or never. Yesterday’s khutbah (sermon)
had to be one of the most invigorating and refreshing Friday khutbah I have
ever heard. I didn’t recognize the khatib (a person who delivers the khutbah),
but his speech was very enthusiastic, his words seemed to struck a chord in my
soul and it was just truly mesmerizing. One of the content of the
sermon that really moves me is when he recites Surah Al-Mu’minun, the 23rd
surah (chapter in the Quran), verse 1-11, and elaborates on its translation. It
describes the characteristics of a true believer and, as the khatib mentioned,
is a checklist for us Muslim in our daily conduct. Translations
(by Abdullah Yusuf Ali): The Believers
must (eventually) win through, – Those who humble
themselves in prayer; Who avoid
vain talk; Who are
active in deeds of charity; Who abstain
from sex, Except with
those joined to them in marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands
possess, – for (in their case) they are free from blame, But those who
desires exceed those limits are transgressors; – Those who
faithfully observe their trusts and their covenants; And who
(strictly) guard their prayers; – These will be
the heirs, Who will
inherit Paradise : they dwell therein (for ever). Listed in these words are the
criteria for a Muslim, a believer, to inherit the much coveted Paradise of
Allah. The criteria are beautifully sequenced, as Abdullah Yusuf Ali described
them in his summary of the surah: Faith, coupled
with humility in prayer, charity, abstinence from vanity and from indulgence in
appetites, and strict probity, must lead to final success, even though people
mock and accuse the righteous of false motives, as did the contemporaries of
Noah, of Moses, and of Jesus. (23:1-50) Just imagine what a wonderful
world it would be if all of humanity or at least all Muslims were to comply by
these criteria, the world would definitely be a better place to live in, being
in peace and harmony, because as they strive to achieve it, they will abstain
from making evil to others and also to themselves. Posted by wafiUddin at 11:01 PM 0 comments Labels: Concerning Faith, Islam
July 19, 2008 Assalamualaikum
w.b.t. http://muslimbidayuh.blogspot.com/ |
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