What Is Itikaaf? Literally Itikaaf means to
apply oneself assiduously to something. Technically (in the terminology of the
Shariah) it means to remain in a masjid (where the five times daily prayers are
held) with the intention of worship. What Is The Purpose Of
Itikaaf? Mankind has been created to
worship Allah. Islam has designated many forms of worship for the fulfillment
of this aim. Itikaaf enjoys superiority over other methods of worship because
it encompasses many other forms of worship within itself. Is Itikaaf Compulsory? There are three types of
Itikaaf. 1. Itikaaf during the last ten days of Ramadhan. This is
sunnah. 2. Itikaaf on any other day is nafl (voluntary). 3. Itikaaf as a result of a vow (e.g. someone vowed that if a
certain desire of his/her was fulfilled, he/she would perform Itikaaf for two
days.). The performance of this Itikaaf is waajib (necessary). Benefits Of Itikaaf A person doing Itikaaf
(mutakif) will be able to perform his salat on time with congregation hence
acquiring the reward of salat with congregation, which is twenty-seven times
more than performing it alone. On the other hand the layman outside will not
attain this great reward with such consistency because of distractions and
preoccupation especially in this modern age. 1. Itikaaf makes it easy to perform salat with full devotion
because the mutakif breaks all ties with the outside world and is in a state of
tranquillity, where he is free from everything that diverts him from Allah's
remembrance. This leaves him to focus his mind solely towards Allah's obedience
and happiness. And seek help in patience
and As-salat (the prayer) and truly, it is extremely heavy and hard except for
Al-Khaashi'un (I.e. the true believers in Allah – those who obey Allah with
full submission, fear much from His punishment, and believe in His Promise and
in His Warning). (They are those) who are certain that they are going to meet
their Lord, and that unto Him they are going to return. (Surah 2)
Abu Hurairah narrates that
the Messenger of Allah Ubaadah ibn Saamit
narrates that he heard the Messenger of Allah 3. Another benefit of Itikaaf is that the mutakif can perform
his prayer in the first row. It is very easy for him to derive the full benefit
of offering prayer in this row. Abu Hurairah narrates that
the Messenger of Allah 4. The mutakif gains the reward of waiting for salat. The
6. It becomes easy to perform the Tahajjud prayer. Normally,
this is very difficult for a person because Satan tries hard to stop a person
from offering this prayer and deprive him of its great reward. http://www.inter-islam.org/Lifestyle/Itikaaf.html#what |
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