Life Lessons About DeathPosted by Mehreen - 07/26/08
at 08:07 am Today’s jumuah khutbah dropped a realization upon my soul that nearly
brought me to tears. While talking about death, the khateeb reminded us that
this life is nothing compared to the hereafter, and that as a congregation we
need to work on As usual, the message had only temporarily sunken in. After the salah, I walked out, did the usual salaams and meeting with the other sisters, and before I knew it, the khutbah was the last thing I was thinking about. That was until I saw two big, red ambulances parked in the masjid parking lot with their sirens blaring. Like everyone else, I rushed out to see what was going on, and saw that Mufti Usmani was on a stretcher, being carried into the ambulance. He had a mild heart attack and had passed out in the musallah. Mufti Usmani is probably around 80 years old, and possibly my most favorite old man in all of Memphis. He was my old Sunday School Qur’an teacher, the founder of the Muslim Society of Memphis, and most recently, the one who performed my nikkah. Basically, I have mad respect for this man. Later this afternoon, my dad told me that Dr. Usmani had been taken to the hospital, had a surgery, and had pacemaker fitted in his heart. Later in the evening, we got a phone call from a close family friend. She informed us that her 18 year old daughter has multiple blockages in her heart and needs a transplant, or else there are slim chances of her living. This all happened in one day. SubhanAllah. Now, the message from the Khutbah is really sinking in. Death can happen anytime, to anyone. Allah (swt) reminds us in Surat Zumar to make the most of this life so that we are prepared for the hereafter, to preserve our prayers, to give. He reminds us to pack our suitacase, fill it with as many good deed s as we can so we don’t regret wasting time in this life when we are standing before Him, about to enter the next. And very imporantly, He reminds us to continually repent for our wrong actions while we can. Allah gives us this advice very clearly in Surat Zumar, verses 54-58: The life that has been given to us by Allah is a golden opportunity for us to serve Him and please Him as best as we can. What we do with our life now directly affectis our position in the Hereafter. We can’t forget to ask Allah for forgiveness now and just expect to plea at the time of death and expect to be forgiven. While Allah is the Most Forgiving, we also have to remember that we have to do our good deeds and turn to Him before the Penalty comes on us, because after that we are not going to be helped. Let us ask Allah to guide us so that we are not from among those who are regretful on the Day of Judgment, inshaAllah. July 26, 2008 | In Here & There, Qur'anic Reflections | 2 Comments »1. Asalam Alaykum, Jazakalahu khair sister Mehreen for posting this. It is a great reminder for all of us. We need to read the quran often to remember our creator. I personally remember death more often when I read the quran. So I go to the masjid everyday to memorize and it has really helped me big time. Subhana’Allah this is part of life and we need to remember it everyday. Last month in our community there was 4 jannazah’s in 2 wks and I happen to be at the masjid for those jannaza. It scared me. 2 of those people that passed were in their 20s and I knew one of them. May Allah forgive our sinns and make us those that go to jannah. Nowadays, we tend to forget death and occupy our minds in the world. This shouldn’t be the route for a Muslim. Ulamah have said, “Allah Almighty will grant three graceful things to the one who remembers his death more: (1) Wisdom of repenting soon (2) Peace of Mind - satisfaction of heart (3) Peace in worship. I hope we become those that remember death often. To the Person who is not mindful of his death, there will be for him three calamities: (1) He will have no wisdom of repenting for his sins (2) He will not be satisfied by little provisions (3) He will delay his prayers and worship (ibaadat). Insha’Allah we’re not these people. Ulamah have also said that there are four reasons for a bad death: (1) Showing laziness in prayers (namaz) (2) Not obeying orders of parents (3) Drinking alcohol (4) To harm a Muslim. Jazakalahu khair ones again and I hope you post more of these great remainders in the future. Wasalam Naima A. Comment by Naima Abdulkadir — July 26, 2008 # 2. Assalamu alaykum Jazakallah for the wonderful post. Just thought I’d
share something since the topic is death. Comment by Aaisha — July 26, 2008 # http://www.workingforone.com/here-there/life-lessons-about-death/ |
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